Now to restoration, i.e. building back up. I\’m afraid I\’ve lost too much fitness over the last few weeks. Too often I haven\’t gotten in my usual mileage, and I skipped doing any truly intense efforts.
There were the mornings when I overslept. Several times there were weather threats; and I haven\’t had quite the energy I need.
I decided that it would be wise not to shoot for 45 miles today. A ride of 29-30 miles seemed more sensible. Tour de Cure is now less that two months away; and ultimately, it will be better to ride the route more slowly that I would like, than to be unable to ride it at all due to an overuse injury.
Restoration will be a gradual process, but I think I can do it. Let\’s look at the bright side. My legs muscles have become a little stronger. I\’m better at riding 15 mph for several miles. There was a time when it was a struggle to get up to 15 mph at all!
TdC this year will be virtual, which means no worries about a time limit. The catch is, I still have to figure out how to enter my ride. I don\’t have all that smartphone stuff, and don\’t really want it.
After I got home from my not-so-long ride, I put the trunk on the hybrid, and rode to the nearest grocery store. I got cauliflower and garlic, and I\’m going to try having feta cheese. Supper: tabouli over a bed of romaine salad, with a little feta cheese on top. Kalamata olives would be great with that, but they\’re rather expensive.
Time to head for the kitchen now. There are dishes to wash (oh, those unending dirty dishes!), and carrots to clean. And cycling shorts to wash. That never ends, either,