



Rescue isn’t always this dramatic.

This morning it was GU to the rescue.

Keep some GU’s handy whenever and wherever you ride!

I ate a Quest bar and some yogurt before I rode to the salvage store; and I was already getting hungry by the time I got to the store! You know what they always say about food shopping: don’t do it when you’re hungry. I was glad I could pull out that GU, so I wasn’t starving as I cruised the aisles.

The grab-bag bins were a disappointment again: there was not much in them, and nothing at all that I wanted; so I didn’t make a grab bag today. But I found another flavor of Dang bars; dry-roasted peanuts; and I got a can of mackerel. I don’t believe I’ve even had mackerel before; and it might be interesting to try it.

On the way home from the store, I had a stiff headwind the last two miles. I wished for a tailwind to come to the rescue! It seemed like I was never going to get home; and I when I did, I was worn out; hungry; and very thirsty.

My original plan was to dump my loot from the salvage store at home; and head out for a short spin on the road bike. I decided it might be better to drop that idea. Yes, I have a mileage goal to work towards; but sometimes we have to forget goals for a day. Besides, I downed plenty of fluid I when I got home from the store; and I’ll need a restroom too often to make a road bike ride sensible. The wind is up to 20 mph, too; and I don’t feel like fighting it. Let’s be lazy!