


Must I reschedule my breakfast time?

For the longest time, my usual weekday-morning thing is to eat something small, e.g. a banana, before I go out on the road bike. When I get home afterwards, I eat \”real\” breakfast.

But after a ride, especially if I did intense efforts, I usually don\’t want a large meal right away. That causes complications on the days when I must go to work on-site. I have only half an hour to forty-five minutes to fix and eat breakfast; dress to go to work; and then head on out.

If I do eat a large meal then, I have to gulp it down too fast for comfort. I feel overly full and bloated afterwards. But a small meal won\’t hold me over until my morning break; much less until lunch time!

Reschedule breakfast so I have a full meal before I ride? Uh, no, I don\’t think so. A big meal 15 minutes after I roll out of bed doesn\’t sit very comfortably in my stomach; and can get a lot more uncomfortable if I do on-bike force exercises!

I keep snacks at my desk; and try to leave them alone unless I really need something to eat. Now that I have pre-diabetes and must be carb-conscious, I have to watch what I eat for snacks. Too many easy-to-grab items are chock-full of carbohydrates, and not the good kind.

We really aren\’t supposed to eat at our desks, and that\’s another limitation. Plain carrot sticks are permissible, I guess; but no hummus!

I\’m very much looking forward the holiday break (we get two full weeks this year!), when I don\’t have to rush off to work post-ride. Then I can have real breakfast!