



It feels like a rehash every time I blog about a week’s activity. Monday, I went for a pre-dawn ride; and Tuesday I did the same. And so on. How about something new?

Monday morning I went for a ride; and as soon as I opened the door, I was dismayed to see how foggy it was. It’s the first big fog we’ve had in a while; and my hopes of seeing the almost-full moon were dashed.

But Tuesday I got lucky. Here’s something unusual to report! It was clear; and I was able to see the eclipsed moon! It was darker than many lunar eclipses I’ve seen; but it was in a position where I could take frequent looks at it as I rode. Actually, the moon was so dark that it was a little hard to find!

On the way home the moon was behind me; but I could still take glances at it over my shoulder. In Summer I can’t do that, because the moon is in the wrong place in the sky. Also on the way home, I could watch the sky lightening as the sun prepared to rise. What a ride!

I’m fast closing in on my Love to Ride mileage goal. As of this evening, only 64.48 miles left to go! I intend to ride to the salvage store tomorrow; and that will knock off about 10 miles. I need to run an errand or two; and that means another mile or so.

Tomorrow night we’ve got a cold front due. Down to 43 degrees; and the wind will be 10-15 mph. That means a chill factor in the 30s. Maybe I’ll put in a short stint on the road bike tomorrow; and do a shorter-than-usual Sunday ride. Then I won’t have to be out in the cold so long. Wimpy, aren’t I?

That’s enough of a rehash. Time to enjoy the weekend!