



“Recap” sounds like a musical term to me. There’s also “recap” as in, buy a new helmet.

Sunday afternoon I was preparing for a jaunt on the road bike; and when I put on my helmet, it simply did not fit. At first I thought I needed to tighten the ratchet in the back; after all, this is the first ride in a while when I didn’t need a helmet liner. But the ratchet wouldn’t hold; and my helmet kept sliding all around my head. The weight of the headlight was no help.

I had to get out the old helmet that I keep as an emergency spare. My bike shop is closed Sundays and Mondays; so I had to wait until today to go there. This morning I got my new headpiece; hence the term “recap”.

The weather has looked uncertain all day. I got up early with the idea of visiting the local farmers’ market; but decided not to when a drizzle began. On top of that, I heard thunder! You never know how fast weather like that might be traveling; and nobody likes to get caught in a storm.

By about 9:00 am, the rain had stopped, allowing me to get to and from the bike shop dry. Then I decided to head for the farmers’ market; and hope for the best. The sky was still overcast; and I thought it might rain again. I’m glad it didn’t; and I got some great tomatoes!

It’s still overcast; and there’s still a 50% chance of rain. I’m debating whether to try going out on the road bike. The temperature is 72, and the wind is light — except for some pretty hefty gusts. That’s actually not bad for riding.

Tomorrow it’s supposed to clear up, which is good news. It looks like Saturday morning will be all right for the trip to the salvage store; and Sunday I think I’ll push for 15 miles or so. I hope my hand cooperates!