

Ramrod Straight?

\"ramrodDo we need to be ramrod straight in the saddle? After all, how often did our mothers tell us, \”Sit up straight\”? More often than we liked, no doubt; and we likely got tired of hearing it.

On the bicycle, there\’s probably no need to be as erect as the Buddha. And I seem to remember reading that, at one time, trainees at the Royal Spanish Riding School had ramrods down the backs of their jackets. This was to force them to sit up very straight. Can you imagine how torturous that must have been?

All the same, it\’s better not to slouch while cycling. Slouching makes it difficult for the lungs to expand properly; and for a fact it doesn\’t look attractive.

I\’ve noticed that I need to be careful that I don\’t arch my lower back upwards. I seem to have a tendency that way; and after a while my lower back starts to feel strained and sore as a result. Luckily it\’s pretty easy for me to correct it, and get rid of the discomfort.

I also tend to slump across the back of the neck and shoulders. And I agree that it\’s hard to focus on posture improvement while battling a headwind, or pushing big gears during force-development exercises.

All that said, I\’m not going to stress out about it. I don\’t have to be ramrod straight. This is riding a bicycle; not charm school.