RAGBRAI Menu 🥘 🌽 🥓
The RAGBRAI menu is quite expansive. The more YouTubes I watch about the event, the more foods there seem to be! If I do RAGBRAI, I’ll want to try many of them.
The “breakfast town” is often some 10 miles away from the overnight town; so I’d better bring some ride foods with me. I could already be hungry when I get up; and I don’t need to start the day by bonking! A few GU-Gels might be enough to tide me over. But what shall I have for my real breakfast?
Something from Casey’s? Videos about RAGBRAI mention Casey’s quite often; and breakfast pizza sounds interesting. Or Chris Cakes? IF I can catch them on my plate! Farm Kids Breakfast is mentioned many times as well.
Gosh, look at all that food. And this is only breakfast! There’s a lot more to come as we eat our way across Iowa.
Food, Food, Food! 🌯 🍕 🥧
And the RAGBRAI menu continues with food, food, food. I might not need to bring along, say, MET-Rx Bars. In fact, with so many places to stop and eat along the way, I fear I’ll get too stuffed to ride with my stomach feeling comfortable!
Although I’m not a big meat-eater, I think I’d want to try Mr. Pork Chop. I hope I remember to pack along a big square of aluminum foil and a plastic food bag. They say that those chops are huge; and I have serious doubts that I can eat one in a single sitting. Somebody tell me, if I keep part of that pork chop for later in the day, will it still be safe to eat?
Ice cream! I’ll want to at least taste it, even if I don’t eat an entire serving. After all, I do have prediabetes; and need to minimize sweets. Or will the calorie burn of doing RAGBRAI balance out that ice cream?
Of Course 𝚷
What more is on the RAGBRAI menu? Oh, of course 𝚷 — er, I mean, pie. The very first video I watched about the event had me thinking that the ride should be called RAG-pie! Some videos mention Amish pie; and I’d love to try shoofly pie. Strawberry-rhubarb pie seems to be popular.
Oh, and sweet corn dipped in melted butter — giant dill pickles — walking tacos — watermelon — after RAGBRAI, I might need to pedal all the way home to New Orleans to burn off all those calories!
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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.
I live in New Orleans; and retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!
Website designed by Cecile Levert

© This website is the property of its author.
I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.