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I thought of Dr. Dolittle’s pushmi-pullyu about two days ago, thanks to a couple of trains

Rounding the turn before the last mile on the bike path, I heard the compressed-air sound that idling locomotives frequently make. Then I saw the train sitting there; and I hoped it wasn’t so long that it was blocking the crossing.

As I rode further, I could see that the crossing was clear. Then I saw more locomitives! At first, it seemed that there were “locos” on both ends of the train; but then I noticed that there were two trains on idle. One was headed one direction; and the other one was pointing the opposite way.

The pushmi-pullyu is one of the few things I remember from reading the book, Dr. Dolittle. (Not surprising, as that was decades ago.) It might be interesting if some enterprising inventor created a tandem bicycle to resemble the critter. The two saddles would have to face in opposite directions, each with its own set of handlebars. One pair of pedals would have to be operated in reverse; and that — captain or stoker? — pedaling backwards sure would make people look twice!