

Progress Notes

Progress Notes

Today I have some progress notes.

This morning I had another occupational therapy session. My therapist says I’m doing very well. My range of motion is good; but I’m not ready for strengthening exercises yet. I still have some swelling around the surgical site; but that’s to be expected.

I went straight from OT to a  follow-up with the hand surgeon. He says things are looking good; and in six weeks I might be back on the bike! But what a long six weeks that will be. I see the surgeon again in two months; and at that point I’ll have some more progress notes. Meanwhile I’ll have to keep pedaling a WattBike® a few times a week.

I rather wish I had the tool I need to take the SPDs off of my road bike, so I could take them along to use on the WattBike. (Of course that would mean dragging the wrench along with me, too!) But even if I did have the wrench at home, I can’t manage taking those pedals off just now. I’d need one hand to hold the pedal still; and the other to work the tool. I know my left hand isn’t ready for such stress.

I can now do minor food chopping; but I need to avoid holding the piece of cheese (or whatever) between thumb and forefinger. I have to make a loose fist; and use that to hold the cheese (onion, etc.) in place. And I can even hold small items, such as a protein bar, in a regular “pinch”.  But only for a short time; and only loosely. 

So I’ve still got far to go; but things are much better than they were two weeks ago. How’s that for progress?