


\"pollenThe pollen is abundant today. I woke up with a very stuffy head, and I felt very tired.

My legs had gotten some pretty hard work yesterday and the day before anyhow; so I did only a very short, very easy ride with the road bike.

When I got back home, I looked up the pollen count online. Grass pollen is at a high level; and the oak trees are sending up great clouds of the stuff.

Pollen seems to be bothering more than it used to, thus: I decided to go out on the hybrid to get a few things from Whole Foods. On the way home, I could feel something gritty stinging my eyes. It didn\’t help that, along the way, somebody was using a leaf blower. I had to ride through that cloud of dust!

At the store, I found some organic beef hot dogs. I made hot dog tikka masala again, using tomato sauce and 1/4 cup of hoisin sauce; I need to finish it up. The result is OK, but not the best. No problem, though; I\’ll eat it up during the coming week.

With my allergies acting up, it\’s just as well I\’m working from home for now. I\’m getting sniffly in addition to the stuffed-up head. But no sneezing; no coughing; no fever. So I take it, no COVID-19.