

Peeping Tom?

\"peepingYou needn\’t be a  Peeping Tom to get a peek behind the scenes. Let\’s take a look now.

To be honest, this pic here shows what it can feel like when I get busy working on this web site.

The current project is revising the Book inventory in my Shop.  I\’m going down the list of books that I already included, and looking for kindle versions of those titles to add to the Shop.

Then I\’m creating cross-references between print and kindle entries for each title. I can tell you, it gets quite head-splitting.  Five or six titles at one sitting is quite enough; after that, I can\’t focus properly any more. Thus it will take some time for me to get through the entire list of titles! Meanwhile, thank you for your patience.

With over 400 products in the Shop, I decided that cross-references between related products would be a good idea. I watch for that when I add new products, and when mention of an old product crops up in a blog, I\’ll create any cross-references that are appropriate.

Going through the whole Shop to create such links, however, would be a bit much. Or am I merely lazy? Bit by bit, over time, I might get them all. Of course I\’ll be adding new products as I think of them — which means more cross-references!

In addition to the work on the Shop, I must keep the blogs coming. Is composing blogs posts fun? Much of the time I enjoy it, but like any author, I sometimes run \”dry\”. Then it\’s hard to think of new blog topics. It can leave me with the feeling that I\’m clutching at straws. On top of that, some blogs don\’t come easily. That\’s especially true when the topic is unfamiliar to me.

As you can see, a peek behind the scenes can reveal some surprising things. Is being a Peeping Tom really worth it?