



I’m very lucky that my bicycle doesn’t need a password. If it did, I’d have a hard time just getting out the front door to ride!

It drives me absolutely crazy to have to use a password to access so many things. I try to keep a list; because I simply can’t remember all those “keys”. Too often, I get the response that username and/or password are incorrect; or don’t match. Then I have to reset everything; and it’s a terrible waste of time. It makes me feel like the person in this pic, buried in books and apparently in despair.

There’s a game called Password; and I wish it were only a game. It isn’t a game when I can’t get into things when I need to. Unfortunately there are people who are only too ready to rip off everybody else. They sure make things inconvenient for the rest of us!

Today I did just a short ride; and I tried to take it easy. Yesterday I rode rather hard; and my legs are tired. I better ride a little earlier tomorrow, because the forecast is for a hot day. Up to 95 in the afternoon; and tomorrow is the first day of Fall! Maybe somebody gave Fall a password that it can’t remember.