

Outdoor Elliptical

Outdoor Elliptical?

The StreetStrider amounts to an outdoor elliptical machine! Sometimes I see someone using one of these; and it looks like a vigorous workout.

I do wonder whether it’s normal to swing widely back and forth while using this outdoor elliptical machine. I’m not at all sure I have the upper body/core strength to hold a straight line on a StreetStrider! Or maybe some folks simply enjoy swinging back and forth; but it makes me a bit nervous when I need to pass them while I’m on a bicycle. Will they sway right in front of me?

The StreetStrider comes with a stand that allows for indoor use during foul weather; or, you can always pull on the poncho and go out, anyway.  And don’t forget the helmet!

I don’t remember noticing whether the StreetStrider riders I’ve seen were wearing head protection; but I think it would be a good idea. No sense in risking a TBI! Protective pads for knees and elbows are a good idea, too.

I don’t have the space to store a StreetStrider; and for me, this piece of equipment is very expensive. From what I hear, that’s unfortunately becoming the norm for many people!

The outer side of the front-center tube looks like an odd place for a water-bottle holder. Is it awkward reaching for the water bottle? Or maybe you just learn how to do it — as I learned how to handle a water bottle on the road bike’s down tube.

And after nine years’ riding, there are still many times when getting that bottle back into its cage takes some doing. Another think I’ve long noticed is that it’s harder at low velocity. I guess I don’t have the gyroscopic effect then!