

Out with a Bang

Out with a Bang

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A lot of folks like to send the old year out with a bang. I started hearing firecrackers by 3:20 pm; and it was still broad daylight!

long distance cycling spokeasy amazon blog reader's nook shop store post

Cycling-wise I’m not exactly seeing 2023 out with a bang; but I can steadily increase my distance. Today I rode almost 9 miles; and that’s a big improvement from several weeks ago. Back then I couldn’t do more than two or three miles! I need to get back to my usual distances; my legs are turning to mush. I also need to burn off those holiday goodies!

complete vegan cycling diet spokeasy amazon reader's nook shop store

I’m not setting up big plans for 2024; my foot has to be my guide for a while yet. But something that I can plan for right now is improving my diet. While I’m not vegan, I know only too well that my eating habits need correcting! I’m working to curb my intake of sweets, which for me is the hardest part.

How about a New Year’s ride? The overnight low temperature will be around 50 degrees; and not much wind. That isn’t bad for riding; but there’s a 40% chance of showers. Play it by ear, I guess. Like, maybe, 12th Street Rag?