

Out of Stream

Out of Steam?

I wish I had energy like this!

Am I running out of steam? I feel so tired lately; and I don’t only mean low on energy. My legs don’t feel right; and that’s very aggravating.

Last night I thought I’d have to skip riding today; and in fact the forecast this morning predicted a 100% chance of T-storms. At that moment, though, the sun was out; and the hourly forecast said the weather wouldn’t turn stormy until early afternoon.

I finally decided to go for a short ride; and 19 miles is short for a Sunday ride! The sky became cloudier and cloudier; and since I got home at about 10:50 am, I’ve expected all fury to break loose at any time. But I checked the hour-by-hour forecast at 2:30 pm; and it showed it wasn’t expected to get stormy until 9:00 pm! And they say, La donna è mobile?

Today I sure felt like I was running out of steam on the way home. The wind really wasn’t all that strong; but I felt like it was hard to make any headway. My legs were persistently tired; and I just wanted to stop.

It’s time to haul out the sun sleeves now. If I wear them, I can save a bit of sunblock; and sun sleeves actually do keep my arms a bit cooler.

Sun sleeves keep your arms cooler while protecting your skin from UV rays.

Back to the weather. It looks like the next three days will be quite stormy; and of course that doesn’t bode well for cycling. The street where I live is still all torn up for construction; and that means a lot of mud when it rains. I wish they’d hurry up and finish that job!