

On the Eve


Here we are, on the eve of Christmas already!

I guess many youngsters\’ heads are full of visions of a new bicycle.

My head is occupied with thoughts of tomorrow\’s ride! We had a few chilly days, but now our weather has warmed up considerably; and in fact, it\’s going to get close to 80 degrees tomorrow! That\’s far from unheard of; but it\’s still really too warm for the season.

Of course I\’m planning my \”festive\” meal. Canned chicken; I want to steam some broccoli; and I have some cranberry sauce that I need to use up. If your locale will be as warm as mine; and if you\’re tired of sweet goodies; maybe pickle pops will suit your palate!

Pretty soon we\’ll be on the eve of a new year; and it\’s time to give some thought to my cycling goals for 2022: can I finally ride that century? I want to keep working towards improving my pace; and how about aiming for 5000 miles?

Lately, unfortunately, I\’ve felt rather tired. Maybe it\’s because I rode more than usual during the week of Thanksgiving; and while Winter Wheelers lasts, I want to get in the mileage!

It\’s Not Sunday

It\’s not Sunday; but it sure feels like it because I did a long ride. We\’re on the eve of the final day of Winter Wheelers; and I wanted to get in some good licks while there was still time.

So today I rode 40.4 miles. It wasn\’t so easy, because the wind got up to 15 mph before I got home. It\’s blowing from the South today; and as I rode, the sky got cloudier and cloudier. The forecast doesn\’t mention rain; but tomorrow night and Sunday morning: fog.

Did I need to eat more during my ride? My ride data says I burned 1000 calories; and I took in just 575. Is that why I felt tired? I think I\’ll make it short and easy tomorrow; but I\’d better avoid the park!

I remember one Christmas morning, some years ago. I went to ride in the park; and it was about 6:00 am when I got there. The kids with their new bicycles were already out in considerable numbers; and it was a bit nerve-wracking trying to avoid them.

For now I\’m taking it easy; and I must be sure my doormat is out to welcome Santa!
