
On Tenterhooks

\"onI get tired of being on tenterhooks. It\’s what drives me crazy about the threat of tropical storms. I\’m stuck indoors, not daring to go for a real ride because I don\’t know exactly when weather conditions might deteriorate.

It is now nearly 6 pm. The wind is 20 mph, and it\’s been raining a little. I kept thinking we\’d get fierce wind and pouring rain earlier in the day. It didn\’t happen.

Late in the morning I hooked my road bike into the trainer and pedaled for 25 minutes. I had the Garmin going, and when I saw that I had \”ridden\” a certain distance I imagined what things look like at that point when I\’m really outdoors riding. It helped keep things from getting quite so monotonous.

So far no power outages. A friend says that her electricity has been out/restored twice already today!

As long as I still have electricity I can work on my web site, and there\’s always something to work on. Naturally that includes blogs, but I\’m glad I have posts scheduled for several weeks in advance. That means I don\’t have to worry about being unable to post if I don\’t have power the next couple of days. I don\’t want to wear out my laptop\’s battery; if we lose power here I\’ll want to reserve it for occasionally checking the weather sites.

Re: Le Tour, that yellow jersey seems to be playing leapfrog! Hardcore bicycle-racing fans must be on tenterhooks, too, wondering who will eventually grab it.