

Not the Season


Not the season?! Since when does chocolate go out of season?

My appetite for chocolate certainly knows no season, but there comes a time every Spring when ride food with a chocolate coating is impractical.

I think we all know how that goes. Sunshine or not, when the temperature starts to rise much above 70 degrees, chocolate starts to get very soft; and then, to melt. Whether you\’ve cut your bars into pieces ahead of time, or unwrap the whole bar when you want it, you can have quite a mess on your hands — literally.

It can be hard to lick those brown smears off your fingers while rolling. From there, your handlebars could wind up sticky. Now that the weather is hot, I\’ll have to resign myself to avoiding the stuff of cacao. At least, while I\’m on the bike.

So much for chocolate. What about cycling? Is it ever not the season for that?

Not around here. Snow and ice are rare. In fact, we don\’t often get weather cold enough for them. That doesn\’t mean that I don\’t get cold while out on a ride. My feet and hands especially get cold. My head, too.

What would I do if I lived where months of snow were the usual? Learn to ride in it, for one. I might have to get a \”fat bike\”. Number two, set up the trainer; or learn to ride on rollers. I could keep a modicum of fitness going by working out indoors while I waited until I could ride outdoors again.

And loving the ride? That, like my love of chocolate, knows no season.