

Not So BOOtiful


Things were not so \”bootiful\” this morning. In fact, I was quite disappointed.

All month I looked forward to seeing the Hallowe\’en full moon. While Zeta was out there, I was worried that it might arrive for the weekend, and spoil the view.

Zeta blasted through in the middle of the week, so it wasn\’t a moon-viewing hindrance. Yesterday I checked the forecast, and it said \”mostly clear\”.

This morning it wasn\’t any \”mostly clear\”. The sky was almost completely overcast! When the moon finally peeked out from behind the clouds, it was rather dim; not so bootiful, you could say. I\’m trying to console myself with the fact that I did see the Hallowe\’en blue moon.

Enough about the moon now. I had planned to ride to the salvage store this morning, but decided to hit Whole Foods instead. I wanted to get tofu; and I\’ve seldom or never seen it at the salvage store.

As it turned out, Whole Foods didn\’t have any firm tofu today; but at least I did get some tofu. It\’s good until December, so I bought two containers of it.

I got Caramel Toffee protein powder to try; and now that we\’re on the threshold of November, my thoughts are turning to birthday-present-to-myself.

Lately I\’ve been wishing I could get a new pepper mill full of green peppercorns, but I haven\’t seen any such thing in any store. Today I got pink salt to try, instead.

Again, I\’ve left laundry for Saturday. If I want the space I\’ll need for it, I have to go clean up the kitchen!