

No Pedigree??


No pedigree?

It\’s gotten warm for the time of year. People used to call it a \”weather breeder\”. Does whoever breeds that weather have a proper license?

Maybe there\’s something in the expression \”weather breeder\”. The forecast currently shows 30-90% chance of T-storms right through next Sunday. And can you imagine the genealogy table for tomorrow\’s forecast? Showers and T-storms paired with 15-20 mph wind = disgruntled cyclists; myself, for one.

I especially want to get in my distance because the road bike\’s total long-term mileage is closing in on 21,000. Only 72.47 miles to go, and I hope to make it by December 31. The bright spot regarding the weather forecast is that I don\’t go back to work until the day after New Year\’s. If it\’s storming early in the morning, I can go out later.

Right now NOAA says \”fair\” for my location, but all the same it\’s drizzling on and off; and it sounds like the wind is strengthening as well. I\’m debating whether to run a couple of errands or to stay home.

At least I got in my stint on the road bike. Even then the sun was dodging in and out; and a couple of miles before I got back home, the wind suddenly got stronger. Twice I had to stop in order to get a drink of water, because the wind made bike control tricky.

It remains to be seen whether the weather will be a \”purebred\” or a \”mutt\”; but it looks like the latter is much more likely: no pedigree.