

No Funny Looks Please

\"noI want no funny looks, please! For one thing, others\’ funny looks appear just as weird as I do! So don\’t look at me, cat.

Day before yesterday the sun sleeves I had ordered online arrived. Today I took them to work with me.

When I was ready to come home this afternoon, I rolled up my long sleeves, and put a sun sleeve on my right arm. Yes, that\’s correct; the right arm only.

Then I rode home. Looking weird, people might say. Hey, it was an experiment! I wanted to see whether there would be any  difference in the way my arms felt.

My right arm did feel a little warmer than the other arm, but the left arm seemed to feel the sun more. I plan to wear both sun sleeves for my long ride day after tomorrow. Then I\’ll probably be better able too say how well they work. The ride home from work isn\’t even three miles. A long ride of 40 or more miles will be a much better test.

So next time you see me with only one sun sleeve on (sort of like Deedle-Deedle Dumpling), no funny looks, please. I\’m my own products testing laboratory.