

No Bars Barred?

\"noNo bars barred when it comes to my web site\’s Shop, it seems.

When I visit the salvage store, I nearly always make a beeline for the make-your-own-grab-bag bins as soon as I get in the door. When I went there last Friday, my grab-bag finds included two FitCrunch bars; one Birthday Cake, and one Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

Naturally I pounced on them as soon as I spied them. New ride food, and more new stuff for my Shop. Yesterday was a great time to work on anything in my web site; Tropical Storm Cristobal made outdoor activity of any kind unwise at best.

Beginning Saturday, in fact, I tried to get as much web-site work done as I could, in anticipation of a possible power outage. Saturday I was working on some other new products in the Shop; yesterday I worked on the FitCrunch items. So what if my inventory already includes a number of different bars? I always have room for more. No bars barred!