

New Mexico

New Mexico

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New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment“, offers opportunities for adventure and touring; both for roadies and mountain bike enthusiasts.

With COVID-19 apparently making a resurgence, planning any trip must be fraught with difficulties: will my planned destination even be open for visitors? If it is, are there restrictions on the number of visitors allowed in at one time?

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Take along masks. Don’t forget the hand sanitizer. All this, in addition to transporting your bicycle to New Mexico! And, of course, choosing your trail.

For cycling families, the Chaco Culture National Historical Park Loop sounds like a terrific way to begin exploring New Mexico by bicycle: eight miles long; flat; and paved. You’ll have opportunities to park your bicycle and take a stroll through the archaeological sites along the way.

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If you want a bigger challenge, Sandia Peak Summit might fit the bill. This road climbs some 3000 feet over 15-17 miles! Be sure to take along some kind of jacket; high altitudes can get cold even in mid-Summer.

MTB-ers sweltering in the hot, humid conditions of Summer might find the prospect of the Mount Taylor Winter Quadrathlon alluring. Once there, the bike-run-ski-snowshoe race should keep you plenty warm amid all that snow. Keep an eye peeled for wildlife: deer and wild turkey, among others.

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The South Boundary Trail is physically quite demanding; you’ll need intermediate or higher MTB skills for this one. Take along plenty of water and food; and don’t forget your tools.

Stay safe; when on the roads, ride single-file. Watch for traffic. Carry a first-aid kit. Even if you’re riding with a group, depend on yourself. With proper planning and common sense, your bicycle tour of New Mexico can provide plenty of enchantment.


I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.

I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!

Website designed by Cecile Levert

© This website is the property of its author.


I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.





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