


\"nervous\”To have cold feet\” is to be nervous. So, am I nervous when I head out for a ride on a cold morning, and my feet are cold? Or, if they aren\’t cold when I start my ride, it isn\’t long before they do get cold.

Those socks shown at left look warm and cozy; but when I\’m on the bike in cold weather, nothing seems to keep my feet warm. I\’ve tried wearing a pair of cashmere socks over regular socks; but it does\’t seem to help much.

Would these hand warmers be suitable for feet? Here\’s the catch: do I have room inside of my cycling shoes for them?

Toe covers? Maybe. Several years ago I had some toe covers; but they had loops to hook around the heel; and a sort of band across the bottom of the shoe, just behind the cleats. Those bands got torn up from my efforts to get my left foot clipped in once I began pedaling. I figured, why buy more if they\’re only going to get ripped apart?

You may have already guessed that my hands, too, get cold. Only my heavy \”wombat\” gloves have room inside for those heat packs. There are days when my skull cap doesn\’t really keep my head warm. Cold feet, cold hands, cold head, cold nose — migosh, must I move to a sea-level country on the Equator?