


nemesis wind ride bicycle windmill

My old nemesis, the wind, is up to its old tricks.

At 5 am yesterday, it was only 6 mph, and from the West; so for once I had a tailwind most of the way home. By 10:00 or so, it was up to 18 mph. We were under a Red Flag Warning for two or three days; and I don’t remember when we last had one of those. I’m glad I don’t live in or near a forested area!

Yesterday I had a good headwind for part of the way home from work; and I was surprised that there wasn’t much wind this morning. It sure made the trip to the salvage store a lot easier

I decided not to take the trailer today; and in fact, I almost didn’t go to the store. When I woke up, I was very tired; my arms and legs felt sore and heavy; and my head was stuffy, too. I don’t know why; but maybe it’s a side effect of COVID booster #2.

So I rigged up the hybrid with my trunk and panniers; and rode to the salvage store. Interestingly, I felt better after I got in some miles on the bike!

Today I brought home a rather small load; and I didn’t find the two items that I was especially looking for: peanut butter and rolled oats. I’ll keep looking; and someday I’ll probably find them.

That old nemesis, the wind, held off; and I hope it continues through at least tomorrow. I’m planning another 50-mile ride; and I get so tired of headwinds!