This weather at present is neither fish nor fowl; especially when I\’m indoors at home!
In this place, which has no central climate control, it\’s chilly enough for me to want to use my electric heater (the \”fish\”). At the same time, it isn\’t cold enough for such a heater to keep running (the \”fowl\” — or should I say \”foul\”?)
It drives me crazy. I don\’t want to use warming packs indoors, because I need to keep them for outdoor rides when it gets colder; and rest assured, it will get colder at some point. Even New Orleans gets freezing temperatures sometimes!
Hot chocolate? The trouble with hot drinks is that they warm me up only briefly; and I\’ve got to be mindful of my A1c levels. Ergo I have to take it easy with chocolate; whether hot or cold.
Of course physical activity helps to warm a body up; and it isn\’t good for me to sit with a laptop for prolonged periods. On the other hand, who wants the \”Phys Ed\” of housework all day?
Cycling can get me warm; but I can\’t go full-tilt for hours on end. In a strong, cold headwind, it\’s hard to get warm at all; and my feet often stay cold, anyhow. At least the warming packs help keep my hands from getting too cold.
That\’s outdoor cycling, though. How about indoor cycling? Pedaling while fastened in place sure makes me warm — too warm! It doesn\’t matter if it\’s literally freezing cold in here; I have to have the window unit and the ceiling fan blowing on me so I don\’t overheat; and the whole business is exercise, yet not exercise. Neither fish nor fowl, you could say.
Nice Change
Today\’s long ride was a nice change. It was cool; but not too cool. The sky was clear; and at least on the outward leg of my ride, the wind was calm. That\’s most unusual.
By the time I turned around to head home, there was a bit of a breeze; but I\’m glad it wasn\’t a 14-mph wind. My average speed today was actually a little faster than last week\’s; and over the same route. For a short while I was moving at 15 mph! Have I gotten stronger at last?
Another nice change was that I didn\’t need to take a bath in sunblock. It was cool enough for long sleeves and leg warmers; and I needed sunblock only on my face.
On the way home, I twice passed tandem riders heading in the opposite direction.
I\’ve never tried the \”Daisy Bell act\” myself; but it looks like a lot of fun!
Now it\’s time for some lunch; and since I\’m talking neither fish nor fowl, I\’ll settle for Tardy Turtle.