

My Fair Lady?


Am I in the cast of My Fair Lady? This morning my bicycle computer said \”Fair\” recovery for the second day in a row!

That\’s unusual for me; and I guess it means I\’m not back in shape yet. But I don\’t worry too much about it. I\’m not training for a big event.


Sure, there\’s the century I hoped to do. I\’m not giving up on it just yet; but I think it\’s too soon to resume my force-development exercises. It\’s also too soon for me to push for 50-mile rides on Sundays. I need to build back up again; but maybe I can aim for a century on Thanksgiving weekend?

This morning I thought I was going to run into rain. I could see that it was raining several miles away; but I got lucky and stayed dry. The weather is still quite warm, even though it\’s now October. By 10:00 am, the temperature had risen to 80 degrees; and it\’s going to stay warm at least through the weekend.

I wonder how soon we\’ll get our first real cool weather. Last week we did get a couple of chilly mornings; but that didn\’t last long. A good, stiff cold front might be a boon, because it should help keep hurricanes away! Yes, we can get hurricanes in October. Just look at last October\’s Zeta.

I\’ve got some projects lined up for today. I have to stir up a jar of peanut butter; and cook Kooky Kookaburra; and it\’s time to do laundry again. A visit to the bike shop is in order, too. The cleats on my bike shoes are giving me trouble. There\’s a lot to do; so I\’d better get busy! Even if I really am My Fair Lady, I don\’t have a maid.