Mutation sounds like the COVID-19 virus. That thing seems to be changing faster and faster; and I, for one, hope that it soon mutates itself out of existence.
But mutation seems inescapable. My job has changed a great deal in the many years that I\’ve had it; and it\’s now unrecognizable as the job I began. And we all undergo mutation as cyclists, don\’t we?
When I got my adult tricycle, I never imagined that I would evolve into a roadie several years later. I thought I had a way to get to and from work and the grocery store; and that I could ride a few extra miles on weekends, just for fun.
One thing quickly led to another; even a three-wheeled century ride! All that vigorous exercise seemed to reduce the wobbly sensations inside of my head; and two and a half years after I bought the trike, I was on a hybrid.
Before long I was using toe clips; and several months later, I went clipless. I did two self-supported centuries on the hybrid. As the miles on the hybrid racked up, thoughts of a road bike crept in. In April, 2013, I got it; and I\’ve never looked back.
The recipes I make keep mutating, too. Take Chicken Tikka Masala (The Feed Zone Cookbook, p. 229). A couple of days ago I tried a new variation: I used the 12 oz bag of grilled chicken strips that was in the freezer. I put in 2 cups of chopped cauliflower; and added minced garlic and about a half cup of chopped red bell pepper.
It will soon be time to make another garbage soup. That \”recipe\” changes every time I make it … is this a \”fake it \’til you make it\”?