

\"multitaskingThese days \”multitasking\” often seems to be THE thing: trying to do  two, three, four, or even more unrelated tasks simultaneously. Riding a bicycle might be called multitasking.

Think about it. We\’re pedaling. We\’re also balancing. And keeping that bicycle on a (more or less) straight line.

So there you are. Three tasks at once. That\’s even before adding in reaching for a water bottle, group riding, or racing.

I guess that participating in a bicycle race is mega-multitasking, especially in  such an event as the Tour de France. There they are, pedaling at 25 mph and more. As if that weren\’t enough, they\’re in a large pack and riding almost elbow-to-elbow. The riders\’ concentration levels must be beyond intense.

And what of the stages that go over cobbles? Or over steep mountain passes? Yet another layer added to the multitasking. I\’m glad I don\’t have to do that!

We haven\’t even gotten around to weather conditions yet. In past Tours de France, those riders have been racing over cobbles in the rain! I find it hard to ride in rain and wind, and that on flat ground. On cobbles I\’d probably be down in a flash, even without rain.

Since today is Saint Patrick\’s Day, maybe we can throw in the additional task of chasing down that leprechaun for his crock of gold.

The riding that I do is multitasking enough for me. I think I\’ll leave it at that.