
More Stuff

\"stuffHere\’s more stuff from my life!

Today I had my first physical therapy session. I have some mobility issues in my left ankle; and apparently that\’s causing the discomfort in my toes! Isn\’t the human body weird?

Speaking of foot problems, I rode through the park today; and I saw a duck that was trying to run with some other ducks. It obviously had some kind of injury, because it was limping.

At any rate, the therapist gave me an exercise to repeat 10 times every day, to start working on that ankle. I have to keep going for further sessions twice a week for a while; and of course I\’m groaning over the expense. Always more stuff! It\’s also a nuisance because it means time out of work; but luckily I have the sick leave time to cover it. 

 I\’m glad that I don\’t have to take time away from riding! But the wind as I type this is blowing at 28 mph; and tomorrow is supposed to be windy, too. I\’m glad it\’s expected to calm down by Sunday.