

More Fog


more fog ride spokeasy blog post riding in the fog mistical mornings blopg post

More fog! I’m tired of those ground-hugging clouds!

Yesterday morning it was quite foggy when I rode. Luckily there was a clear patch; so I got to see the full moon. But I couldn’t see its reflection on the river because there was too much mist.

The farther I rode, the worse it seemed to get; so I went home early. I thought conditions were bad yesterday; but this morning it was worse! I didn’t even try to go on the levee. I rode over to the park; and the fog was so bad, I had to remove my glasses after a half-mile. Things were pretty bad in the park; and it makes me nervous when I can hardly see where I’m riding. On the upside, I heard an owl in the park! But one circuit was enough, given the conditons; and I went home.

Naturally I’ve checked the forecast for tomorrow and — more fog. And yet more the next morning! Now is the kind of time when I wish I had some anti-fog spray

Maybe I can ride a bit later tomorrow, because I won’t be going to work. I have an appointment; but not until 9:45 am. It’s time to consult the hand specialist about surgery for that pesky CMC arthritis. Occupational therapy has helped a little; but I still have trouble with pain. Looks like only surgery will get rid of it. Unfortunately, that will mean time off the bike!