



montana spokeasy blog post all over the map page

Montana, aka the Big Sky State, is home to Adventure Cycling! I think it would be fun to stop by their headquarters; pick up some of their route maps; and take off for some, you know, adventures.

So many paths to choose from! They’re sprawled all over the map of the USA, with one even extending into Canada.

As far as I can remember, I’ve never spoken with anybody who has ridden any of these routes. I certainly have a lot of questions:

Why did you choose any one particular route? For “scenic value”? Because you have friends or relatives in a location along the way, and you wanted to visit them? Were there some great national parks to see?

Was your preferred route fairly flat; or did you want a trip with a lot of challenging climbs? How much time did you need to allow for your trip? What kind of pace did you use? Casual; or pushing it?

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Did you need to take along camping equipment? Did you cook your meals every day? Were you able to find fresh foods easily? How about doing laundry along the way?

I suspect that certain routes are better tackled at certain times of year. For example, I don’t want to think of taking a cycling tour across an arid region during the hot season!

If you want to stay in Montana, there’s Glacier National Park. You can bike on your own; or take a guided tour.

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Explore other parts of the state; either as a roadie or on a MTB.

Whatever you choose to do, may you have smooth roads and plenty of Big Sky overhead.