

modern history

Modern History

Not all history is ancient!

The trike, as I said, is ancient history; but I have my modern history, too. Let’s take a look at the past few years, since the pandemic began.

Last year’s Hurricane Ida, and its impact on my riding, immediately comes to mind; and I certainly hope there isn’t a repeat performance this year. My Love to Ride goal for 2022 is 5000 miles; and I’m not to 2200 yet! If I’m spared hurricane downtime this season, though, I believe I can make it to 5000. After all, I came close last year.

To back up a bit, Tour de Cure 2020 was virtual, because of the pandemic. I did my TdC mostly on the MRT; and had my usual problems with the wind. Part of me wants to do more fund-raiser rides; but I’ve always had trouble finding enough donors to meet my quota. My employer doesn’t make matching contributions; and that doesn’t help. I’m at the point in my working life when I need to start serious planning for retirement, anyway. Pretty ironic; as after I’m out of the workforce, I’ll have more time to ride and to train up for big events!

Maybe I can finally do another century ride of my own. The last one isn’t exactly modern history, and something in me wants to go for another one; but it’s getting too hot now for me to try a 100-miler. If I average 12 mph, it will take 8.5 hours’ riding time to complete the ride; and time taken for rest breaks will extend the time an hour or so. Even if I started at 4:00 am, it would be at least 1:00 pm by the time I finished.

Near Present

For some much more modern history, this past Sunday I rode 43.5 miles; and I need to work up to 60-70 miles if I have any idea of doing a century ride. If I want to get through it faster, I need to take the advice in this book more seriously:

Helpful advice for improving your pace; but I’m too lazy!

The trouble is, I’m really not awake enough when I go out on my weekday morning rides. But it’s that, or don’t ride at all; and then my modern history wouldn’t have much to tell!