


\"mishapsMishaps occur. No matter what we do to prevent them, sooner or later something untoward happens.

Take yesterday, for example. I don\’t mean my jaunt on the road bike. That actually went well, if you discount the fact that I got going a good 20 minutes late.

Another morning of almost no wind! How I wish that happened more often. Today I tried one-minute intervals of pushing for 16 mph or more; two easy minutes in between those efforts. Three intervals to a set; 10 minutes between sets.  I already forgot how many sets I did; five or six, I think. Riding 16 mph is still quite hard for me, but not grueling. In fact, I touched a top speed of 20+ mph!

Skip ahead a few hours. I wanted to fix squash (zucchini this time) cooked in tomatoes. While chopping up the onion, I got a bit too energetic. I suddenly had a nasty cut in my left thumb. I had to suspend operations while I put a bandaid on it. Two, in fact. I was bleeding through the first bandaid in no time.

About four hours later, the bandaids had become soaking wet. I decided to change them; and when I took them off, that cut began to bleed again. I figured the cut needed some liquid bandage stuff on it; but why go to the ER for that? So, I called an Urgent Care center.

They said I could come in at any time until 7 pm. That would work fine; go to my 2:45 pm dental appointment, and then head for Urgent Care.

By the time I got out of the dentist\’s office, I looked like I might have mishaps with the weather. The sky appeared quite threatening, and I heard thunder grumbling.

Well, I got to Urgent Care still dry. While I was there, I heard it pouring like crazy for a while. It had died down to a drizzle by the time I was ready to go home, thank goodness. But I put on the poncho, anyway. No telling when it might start pouring again.

On the way home, I got worried about the possibility of mishaps with brakes that weren\’t catching. I\’m glad I had a paper towel stuffed into a pocket. I got off the road and gave the wheels\’ rims a quick wipe-down. Then they worked better; but I think I\’d better have them checked, before they cause a major mishap.