

Lycra or Loose?

\"lycraSnug lycra, or loose-fitting clothing?

I\’m inclined to agree with the statement that whatever you want to wear while riding a bicycle is up to you. If you want to ride in white tie and tails on the hottest day of the Summer, OK. Prefer a bikini? If you go for that look, be sure you wear lots of sunblock.

At the same time, \”Which is best?\” is a reasonable enough question. Lycra? Or baggy?

Snug-fitting lycra cuts down on wind resistance, which I can really appreciate; especially during long rides. It\’s not the most fun thing in the world to be battling a headwind mile after mile while your clothes flap around you.

Lycra shorts don\’t bunch up under you, which makes longer rides far more comfortable. On the other hand, if you\’re carrying some extra pounds, lycra does make it more obvious! If you\’re self-conscious about that, lycra shorts and jerseys might not be for you. (I just try harder to hold my stomach in!)

Baggy clothes, I find, don\’t matter if I\’m only riding to work. It\’s a nuisance to have to hole up in the restroom to change clothes, anyway. The \”air freshener\” in those places chokes me!

Riding to the store? Lycra or loose depends on the weather. If it\’s hot, and my destination is more than a half-mile away, I\’ll wear cycling shorts. In cooler weather, regular shorts (i.e. \”loose\”) will do.

Again, it comes down to personal preference, but as to lycra or loose, I tend towards lycra.