


Oh, the luxury of not having to get up early! For me that\’s quite the rarity. It happens most often when Monday and a holiday — Labor Day, in this case — coincide.

It was wonderful to not have to get up until almost 8 am. I could take my time with breakfast, and not have to rush off to work.

Monday is usually my off-bike day. But Love to Ride Cycle September is on, and I try not to skip days during such periods. So I rode to the drug store to get a few things; among them some RX Bars for my next Sunday long ride. Of course — and alas — I also bought Diet Cokes.

Back home, I washed dishes and cooked brown rice. I though of cooking quinoa, too, but both quinoa and rice are pretty high in carbs.

I started reading my new book. Then I got hungry, and heated up some Kooky Kookaburra for lunch. Unfortunately it looks like kidney beans are high in carbs! So are many other legumes. I might have to cast aside my Hoppin\’ John variations 😢. Well, let\’s hope not!

Getting back to the book: it mentions a related web site called Diabetes Motion. It\’s somewhere to start if you don\’t want to buy a copy of the print book.

Incidentally, it\’s another luxury to not have to rush through lunch. They say you digest your food better if you aren\’t eating with one eye on the plate and the other on the clock. I can believe that. I certainly enjoy my food more that way!