

Loose Change?

Loose Change? ¢

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Penny-Farthing makes me think of loose change. It also makes me think that riding one at all takes some doing. And riding a penny-farthing all the way across the USA? Wow! Although a solid-tire bicycle won’t need a pump!

Danny Davis rides to raise autism awareness; and also to get special bikes to special kids. My nephew is on the autism spectrum, so this is interesting to me. I myself have Asperger’s; but didn’t know it until well into adulthood!

Oh, and loose change?  Maybe it’s a good thing a penny-farthing isn’t loose change; or it would probably fall apart as you’re riding it! As to the penny, don’t throw your pennies away. They add up!

Can't Wait to Ride! 🚴🏿

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I can’t wait to ride again — really ride, I mean. Easy pedaling around the park isn’t much riding, although it’s better than nothing at all. This morning I bummed a ride to the salvage store, because I don’t think my hand is ready for me to be riding alongside a 3-lane highway. I might need to make some sudden moves and/or do hard braking; and that still doesn’t feel good.

When I can get back to my usual cycling, I’ll start working to increase my daily distances; and leave pace development on the shelf for a bit. They say it’s better not to try to work on both increased mileage and greater speed at the same time. It will take at least a few day for me to get back into the groove, anyway. 

But I miss riding; and I can’t wait to ride again!