
Litany of Woes


My litany of woes today doesn\’t include a train wreck. I do, however, feel somewhat wrecked.

This morning I couldn\’t get up in time to go for a pre-work ride. I\’m still tired and sleepy from four consecutive nights of insomnia; and yesterday evening\’s ride put me behind schedule. I didn\’t get to bed until 11 pm!

I rode to and from work today, but finally decided not to go for a ride after work. Listen to your body\’s warning signals! Right now my body says: Don\’t push me, I\’m worn out! Ergo I stayed home.

To continue the litany of woes, it\’s hard to eat right today. I feel hungry, and the real problem is that I\’m tired. On top of that, when I\’m tired I crave sweets.

I hope I can ride tomorrow morning. If I\’m still tired, I can do an easy ride; I don\’t have to work on intervals if I don\’t feel like it. A pro cyclist\’s job is to ride, train, and race; but I\’m not tied to that.

The weather still doesn\’t feel much like Fall. The upside: I can leave the leg warmers home. The downside: no leg warmers means I still need sunblock on those legs for any ride longer than 20-30 minutes.

I\’ll see how things are tomorrow morning. I hope the situation won\’t include a train blocking the crossing!