

Like a Mouse?


\”Nibble, nibble, like a mouse\” said the witch in Hansel and Gretel. That\’s how I eat when on a long bicycle ride. I eat a bite here; and a bite there.

I tend to nibble like a mouse even when not on the bike; and of course it makes a big difference what I eat. Carrot sticks with hummus are far better for me than, for example, M&Ms. Plain almonds make a better snack than potato chips; and so on.

For the last two months I\’ve been way off my diet. I think I was suffering from meal-planning burnout; and then along came Hurricane Ida! As a result, I was away from home for about three weeks; and had other things on my mind besides meal planning.

Last Tuesday evening I got back here; and I\’m still shaky about my eating patterns. But I\’m getting back into recording what I eat; and making notes of calorie and carb content. I also need to keep fat and cholesterol in mind; and I really didn\’t need to get bologna today! Tuna is probably better for me; and it wouldn\’t have cost anything, because I already have plenty of it. But I wanted bologna; and I got it.

On the Bike

If I\’m going to nibble like a mouse on the bike, what shall I eat? For some time, my major on-bike foods have been FitCrunch bars and Met-Rx bars. For several months I found plenty of FitCrunch bars in the grab-bag bins at the salvage store. The last few visits, unfortunately, there have been few or none of them; so it looks like cheap on-bike food is fading into the past.

A while back the salvage store had Gatorade Whey bars by the box; and I can get some bars at the drug store. Unfortunately they cost a lot more when I buy them that way!

I\’m eager for the salvage store to open up again. Their web site didn\’t indicate a closure due to the hurricane; but when I went there last Saturday, they were closed. One of the workers there said the store will re-open on October 1. I hope so! I\’ve got quite a list of things I want to look for.

It\’s going to be quite a week. I\’m still waiting to hear when I\’ll have my lights back (I hope nobody was tampering with the fuse box!); and tomorrow I have to go for a COVID test. I\’m running out of carrots; and I could use some other vegetables, too. Especially if I want to nibble like a mouse!