

Light in the Saddle

Light in the Saddle


The fog was heavy this morning. I didn’t expect it; but I noticed it as soon as I stepped out my front door. I was surprised that the moon — now almost full — was visible through it. But the river was totally obscured.

In fact, I was surprised that the moon was still up; then I remembered that I began my ride earlier than usual. I wanted to put in some miles on the road bike; and then ride the hybrid to the supermarket.

Today I rode 12.7 miles in exactly one hour. That’s still quite slow; but I hit a max speed well over 17 mph. That light in the saddle work sure tired my legs, though! Once again, there was almost no wind.

When I got home, I chowed down a Chocolate Chip RXBar; then hooked the panniers to the hybrid’s rack and rode to the supermarket. I was hungry by the time I got back home. I had to fix “real” breakfast; and then clock in to work.

After work I rode over to the drug store to pick up a prescription refill; and I got Chinese take-out for my supper. Every two or three weeks my cravings for Chinese food get to be too much for me! But I must be careful not to eat too much of it (or, indeed, of anything) if I want to stay light in the saddle!