Let's Head for Utah!

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Let’s head for Utah, and the Moab Rocks Mountain Bike Stage Race.
The Moab event takes place in late March. I hope all the riding keeps the participants warm enough. Late March can still be pretty chilly even here at sea level. Don’t forget to pack along cold-weather riding togs; for example, a pair of lobster gloves.
The city of Moab is 4,000 feet up, and the course tops out at over 10,500 feet. Merely thinking about that altitude leaves me gasping for breath. If I couldn’t get my hands on a hypoxic training mask, I’d have a very hard time trying to ride the Moab course at all; never mind making a competition out of it.
I’ll bet the scenery is exhilarating; but the course also looks scary. No guardrails; and precipitous drops. No sightseeing for pleasure, that’s for sure. Apparently it’s watch your every move, or go over the edge.
The info I’ve read states that Moab Rocks is fully supported. Does that mean that riders who need to shed layers of clothing as they go can put those layers somewhere other than in their Camel-Baks’ pockets? I know that my Camel-Bak’s pockets have scant room for clothing once I’ve stuffed in cable lock, tube of Chamois Butt’r, and roll of bathroom tissue. For off-the-trails riding, you might even want to carry along a snake bite kit.
If we think we can manage that high altitude, let’s grab our MTBs; and let’s head for Utah!