
Let\’s Get It Over!

\"getLet\’s get it over.

Saturday, 7:38 am. Many a Saturday I\’m heading off for the salvage store at this hour, to bring home a load similar to this one. But not today! Tropical Storm Barry\’s full brunt apparently is yet to come.

The wind is about 22 mph, forecast to strengthen shortly. If I went to the salvage store, I\’d be battling winds of 33-34 mph on the way home. With the trailer, it would be extremely difficult for  me to make any headway.

It\’s starting to rain, on and off. That\’s how it often begins with a tropical storm. Brief spells of rain precede a steady deluge. All I can do is to hope that we\’re spared the expected precipitation of up to 20 inches. If that storm is coming, though, I wish it would blow through. Let\’s get it over with.

My power bill will be frightful. I\’m running the window unit more than usual, trying to cool this place as much as possible before the storm knocks out the power. Even if I had my bike rigged to run a window unit, such a manner of \”cooling\” would be spinning my wheels! The effort required would make me overheat.

I guess I\’ll hook the hybrid into the trainer later, if I still have electricity to cool me as I \”ride\”. But this might have to be a lazy day.