
Let\’s Be Different


So what was different, anyway? Aside from more miles for Love to Ride!

Contrary to my usual practice, I did my long ride today, Saturday, this weekend. As a rule, Sunday is long-ride day; but the forecast I checked last night predicted an 80% chance of rain tomorrow.

Today\’s forecast said, 20% chance of rain. I decided to ride today to be sure of getting my miles. It didn\’t rain, but the fog was pretty bad. I just cleaned my road bike last night, and now it\’s all mucked up again.

My legs felt a bit tired, and I decided try to ride steadily, and not push the pace. Luckily the wind was cooperative. There was some breeze, but only around 9 mph. I also decided to go out a little farther than last time before turning for home. I rode 44.3 miles: not a record, but also not bad.

As long as the Love to Ride challenge is going on, I\’m trying to use a bicycle to go places that I\’d usually walk to.  So after I got the road bike put away and recorded my ride data, I pedaled the hybrid over to the local drug store. There was nothing I truly needed, but it\’s another ride for my team! (Yeah, yeah, I know — any excuse for ice cream!)