

Katy Bar the Door

Katy Bar the Door?

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I hope all my work today doesn’t mean, Katy bar the door. On the contrary, I hope it makes navigation easier! Speaking of navigation, I’m glad Hurricane Tammy is far away from us; if it did some weird maneuvering, we might be in for a rough time!

This morning I just did one easy circuit around the park; but I plan to do a longer ride tomorrow. At the moment, the wind is pretty strong; so I’m glad I’m not trying to ride against it.

I’ve been trying to get into the routine of a longer ride in the middle of the week, in addition to the Sunday long ride. I’m also experimenting with starting my mid-week long rides before I eat. I cut up a protein bar to take along; and I eat pieces of it as I go. So far, it seems to work pretty well.

The weather is weird enough without any visitors from the tropics. It still gets into the 80s in the afternoon. When the weather does turn cold, it’s likely to abruptly drop from the 80s into the 40s overnight. Does that happen everywhere; or is it just us? It makes me feel like saying, Katy bar the door.