

Just Page Me

Just Page Me?

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Just page me, I guess. Or even call me “Page”. Seems like all I did all today and yesterday was work on, er, you-know-what’s for my website.

My original Bicycles, Boutique, and Grocery pages had huge product grids. That last, for instance, contained some 150 items! When I thought about it, I decided that breaking down those product categories into sub-categories much more sense.

Some folks might want to look for a particular kind of energy bar; or wonder whether the SpokEasy Store has any candy. (Spoiler alert: not much!) A visitor can now choose a food category. Or a particular category of cycling clothing.

It wasn’t especially difficult work, because I knew what I needed to do; but talk about time-consuming! It’s a good thing I went out for a ride first thing this morning, or I might not have gotten out there on the bike; I was that busy!

It’s a good thing, too, that I did ride early. As the morning went on, I could hear that the wind was rising. It’s now blowing at 20 mph! It clouded up a lot, too; but they don’t predict rain.

So I suppose I can go for a ride tomorrow morning. I hope nobody wants me for anything while I’m riding; but if they do, they can just page me.