

I’ve Barely Started

I've Barely Started!

I’ve barely started my cycling adventures, as I see when I read a book like this. I’ve never been, as the tile says, miles from nowhere. Most of my miles have been logged within 25 miles of home; and I’ve never been on even a one-night bicycle camping tour.

Imagine touring the world by bicycle! (What would Phileas Fogg have thought of that?) I’m certainly not ready for such an adventure; and doubt that I ever will be. If I did decide to go for it, I’d need some warm-up rides first; such as RAGBRAI. Or even RAAM, or PBP.

Okay, I’m getting sarcastic here. To be more serious, I doubt very much that there’s any round-the-globe route that can avoid climbing; and I’d want a touring bicycle. My budget can’t take that just now — I had to replace my hybrid not two weeks ago; and it was not cheap!

The back jacket of Miles from Nowhere describes Barbara and Larry Savage as “near-neophyte cyclists” when they began their two-year journey. If beginning cyclists can manage such a trip, then theoretically, I should be able to do it. After all, I have 60,000+ miles in my legs!

Unfortunately I also have some health issues that make such an undertaking impractical. So I guess I’d better stick around home; but really, I’ve barely started!