

It Got Cold

It Got Cold!

Hey, it got cold! 

Temperatures in the 40s might not seem cold to some folks; but to me that’s cold enough! Especially when it’s windy and damp. I remember a co-worker that I had, many years ago. This person had come from Ohio, I believe it was; and said that, the first Winter here, she’d never been so cold in her life.

Far from “perking you up”, cold weather makes me feel tired; sluggish; and slow. When it got cold Saturday night, it was too cold in here; and as a result, I didn’t sleep well. Then for my Sunday ride, I was tired; and really didn’t feel all that well. Add wind, and full-fingered gloves that made fueling awkward; and I rode only a bit over 19 miles.

This morning when I went riding, there was a fine drizzle; and that doesn’t go well with glasses. I decided to ride laps around the park rather than deal with the wind on top of the levee; and I was glad I did! As I rode, it seemed to be getting colder; and the wind seemed to get stronger.

At the moment, it’s 50 degrees; and the humidity is 80%! Add a 13 mph wind, and it’s not at all comfortable outdoors. Maybe I’ll ride in the park again tomorrow. 

My new hybrid is in the shop. Yesterday I was riding to work; and the chain came off the cassette. The bike shop is closed Mondays; so I had to wait until today to take the bike in.

Maybe it just needs adjusting. I hope I didn’t manage to damage it somehow. Luckily the bicycle is still under warranty!