

Is That So?! #2


Is that so?! #2

This kind of thing has happened before. Yesterday I got a crazy high maximum heart rate reading from my Garmin. This morning, my blood pressure meter gave me a crazy low resting blood pressure reading: 87/58! My resting pulse was 50 today, but it\’s been as low as 46.

So what\’s going on here? Did yesterday\’s hard efforts set off some kind of reaction? Fatigue from having gotten to bed an hour late last night?

I had thought of doing some force exercises today, but felt too tired. In fact, I did only a very short, slow ride; not even four miles. I got to see the supermoon, my main motivation for riding today. Unfortunately it was too high in the sky to be really impressive. It actually looked better yesterday, even though it wasn\’t quite full then.

I couldn\’t keep track of my heart rate during the ride because I forgot to put on my chest strap; something I didn\’t even realize until I switched on the Garmin and saw that there wasn\’t a HR reading. I decided I\’d skip the chest strap for a change. We all need to unplug now and then, they say. Do you find it so? Besides, sometimes I don\’t feel like getting is that so?! #2 — or number anything.