

I Need Ideas

\"ideasI need ideas again. That\’s the problem with blogging. You get \”dry\” spells that make the Sahara seem like a swamp. Which reminds me, if it\’s your idea that bicycling through a desert would be a great adventure, you\’ve got some options.

There\’s the Hotter n Hell Hundred in Wichita Falls, Texas. At present, I\’d be crazy to succumb to the notion of tackling that ride. The course is hilly, and temperatures can exceed 100 degrees. Incidentally, the Camel-Bak had its origins in the HHH.

There used to be an event called the Furnace Creek 508. That one took the riders through Death Valley! I hope they got to do that segment at night. We visited Death Valley when I was a kid. It was in June, and during the day it got HOT. The Furnace Creek event took place in October, so maybe it was cooler then. I hope so!

Moab is another semi-arid/arid race locale. It\’s also at high altitude. The course goes as high as 10,500 feet. Merely thinking about that elevation makes me feel like I\’m gasping my lungs out.

A ride along the rim of the Grand Canyon could be added to the list of desert rides. I\’ve been to the Grand Canyon, and the scenery is beyond description.

OK, that\’s enough ideas to get things started. Can you think of any more?