

I Lucked Out

I Lucked Out!

I lucked out with the weather this morning; at least, as far as rain goes.

The forecast last night didn’t look good for the ride to the salvage store. Then this morning I checked an hourly forecast; and according to that, the rain wouldn’t set in until about 11:00 am. The sky didn’t look very friendly; but I decided to take the chance and go.

And I lucked out. On the way home I ran into light sprinkle beginning around 9:05 am; but it wasn’t enough to warrant pulling out the poncho. In fact, it stopped after about two miles; and the sun actually came out for a while. The big problem was the wind!

I was very glad that I wasn’t hauling the trailer. A set of panniers was enough of an impediment, with a headwind that reached as high as 16 mph. I finally was forced to shift down to the bike’s smallest ring; and shifting back to the middle ring was downright painful.  I don’t think my hand is really ready for that yet!

I got back home around 9:50 am; and after that I was on tenterhooks, listening for the onset of bad weather. By noon, I was still waiting; but I checked the NOAA site. A severe T-storm watch had been issued some 40 minutes earlier; and by 12:20 pm, I heard the grumble of thunder.

It looks like things will be much better tomorrow morning; and that’s a good thing. Sunday is long-ride day; not that I’m back to doing truly long rides. But I hope to get in 20 or so miles.

Today’s trip to the salvage store yielded some good grab-bag finds: a half-dozen Special K Protein Bars; and snack-sized packs of various nuts. And of course, some very junk-y candy bars! But now I have some more ride food; and that’s always good.

OK, bad weather — if you’re going to happen, get it over with!